
The purposes of the Waltham Democratic City Committee is:

  1. To support and promote the ideals of the Democratic Party;
  2. To promote the election of candidates of the Democratic Party to public office;
  3. To raise funds for political purposes;
  4. To call caucuses for the purpose of endorsing candidates, adopting resolutions, or conducting other Party business as provided for in the Call; and
  5. To provide voter education and promote voter registration.

As Waltham’s official branch of the Democratic Party, the Waltham Democratic City Committee (WDCC) is the local voice for the party’s values of social and economic equality, environmental protection, a fair and strong social safety net, and protection of the rights of all of our neighbors

What Does WDCC Do?

• We advocate for progressive values through local political action, voter education and outreach, and the support of government officials who share those values.

• We hold local caucuses, nominate delegates to Democratic conventions, and contribute to the ongoing development of the Democratic platform at all levels.

• We provide local support for Democratic candidates and ballot initiatives.

• We organize and provide a platform for speaking engagements, edification and community discussion.

• We reach out to various communities to provide voter registration and information.

• And much more!


Clarence Darrow Richardson, Jr., Chair

Andrew Fintzel, Vice Chair

Nadene Stein, Vice Chair

Sue Kramer, Secretary

Scott O’Neil, Treasurer

Yvenel Elisnord, Affirmative Action/Outreach Coordinator

Ward Chairs

Michael Cavallo, Ward 1

Heather May, Ward 2

Reginalde Messac, Ward 3

Stacy Fatale, Ward 4

Clarence Darrow Richardson, Jr., Ward 5

Cynthia Salamanis, Ward 6

Susan Burstein, Ward 7

Timothy Nolan, Ward 8

Robert Logan, Ward 9

WDCC Meeting Minutes

January 2025

October 2024

September 2024

June 2024

May 2024

April 2024

March 2024

February 2024

December 2023

November 2023

October 2023

June 2023

May 2023

April 2023

March 2023

February 2023

January 2023

December 2022

October 2022

September 2022

WDCC Bylaws



1. This Committee shall be known as the Waltham Democratic City Committee.


1. The purpose of this committee shall be to support and promote the ideals of the Democratic Party.

2. A further purpose shall be to promote the election of candidates of the Democratic Party to public office; to endorse enrolled Democratic candidates; the adoption of resolutions and platforms; the raising of funds for political purposes; and the calling of caucuses for the purpose of endorsing candidates, adopting resolutions, or conducting other Party business as provided for in the Call.

3. It shall also be the purpose of this committee to provide voter education and promote voter registration.


1. In addition to the offices set forth in M.G.L. c. 52 (Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer) there shall be two Vice-Chairpersons (preferably different gender identities), and an Affirmative Action and Outreach Advisor elected from the membership. When electing Officers, members should consider the diversity of the community that we serve.

2. Officers shall be elected every two years at the organizational meeting of the committee. The March meeting shall be considered the organizational meeting and shall serve as the meeting at which the election of officers takes place.


1. The Chairperson, in addition to the powers and duties set forth in M.G.L. c. 52 and the Charter of the Democratic Party of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, shall preside at all meetings, appoint committees as called upon to do so by the membership, and be an ex-officio member of said committees.

2. A Vice-Chairperson shall accept the duties of the Chairperson when the Chairperson is unable to do so. There shall be a rotation of such duties between the two Vice-Chairpersons if the Chairperson shall be unable to perform these duties for an extended period of time.

3. The Secretary, as provided for in M.G.L. c. 52 and the Charter of the Democratic Party of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts shall keep records of all meetings, an accurate and up to date set of by-laws, and shall audit the minutes and report the same to the City Committee, and shall have custody of all correspondence.The Secretary shall from time to time, as called on by the Chairperson, handle all correspondence and report the same to the City Committee. The Secretary shall file copies of all correspondence with the Chairperson.

4. The Treasurer shall receive and disburse all committee funds and shall set up a voucher system to account for all funds.The Treasurer shall not disburse any funds without the authorization of the Steering Committee, nor shall the Treasurer disburse funds in excess of two hundred dollars ($200.00) without the authorization of the City Committee.Further, the Treasurer shall open a checking account in one of the banks in the City and arrange for authorized withdrawals to be signed by the Treasurer and the Chairperson or a Vice-Chairperson.The Treasurer shall give an accounting of funds when called upon, and file all necessary reports as required by state and federal laws. When state and federal reports are filed a copy of said reports shall be sent to the Officers of the City Committee.

5. Actions of the Chairperson or Officers shall be subject to ratification at the next meeting of the Steering Committee or the City Committee, whichever occurs first.


1. The Steering Committee shall consist of the elected officers of the City Committee and the Chairpersons of the nine (9) wards.

2. The Steering Committee shall have the duty of conducting the business of the Democratic City Committee, and may authorize expenditures not exceeding two hundred dollars ($200.00).

3. The Steering Committee shall implement policies set by the membership as a whole.

4. No individual on the Steering Committee shall have more than one (1) vote.


1. Committees shall be created from time to time by the Chairperson or the City Committee. The City Committee may create Standing or Ad Hoc Committees.

2. Committees shall be delegated the full powers and authorities of the City Committee to carry out such functions and duties as are contained in their charge with the following conditions:

a. The members and the chairperson have been approved by the City Committee.

b. All actions are consistent with any guidelines for the committee which have been approved by the City Committee, and with policies established by the City Committee.

c. A full report of all committee actions is submitted to the City Committee.

d. A quorum of more than half of the members of the committee are present for any final action.

e. All committee actions shall be subject to ratification by the City Committee at its next regular meeting.

f. Each committee chairperson shall be responsible for convening and presiding over such committee meetings as are necessary.


1. The City Committee shall meet not less than six (6) times per year. City Committee meetings are open to the public.

2. The Steering Committee shall meet not less than once per month.

3. Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson or by a majority of the Steering Committee. Special meetings may also be called by the Secretary on receipt of a signed petition from no fewer than 20% of the membership of the City Committee.

4. A quorum shall be 20% of the total membership for general meetings and 50% for Steering Committee meetings. Any final action shall require a quorum.

5. Notice of the time and place of the meetings of the City Committee shall be given in writing (including via e-mail) to all members by the Chairperson at least seven (7) days in advance.

6. Any final action shall require the vote of a majority of those present.


1. Membership shall consist of all duly elected members of the Ward Committees as defined in M.G.L. c. 52 and the Charter of the Democratic Party of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

2. Associate members for each of the various wards shall be limited to ten.

3. Removal of members of a Ward Committee shall be governed by the Charter of the Democratic Party of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


1. Officers may be removed from their office by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present and voting at any meeting of the City Committee. A notice of intent to request removal under this section must be submitted in writing by five (5) members and delivered to the Secretary and Chairperson. The notice shall contain the reasons for the removal request.Upon receipt of a request, the Secretary and Chairperson shall:

a.) Notify the officer in questions of the request;

b.) Deliver said request to the Steering Committee or City Committee for discussion at the next regularly scheduled meeting.

An officer shall be given an opportunity to resign before notice of the discussion on the question of removal is given to the membership of the City Committee.


1. When a vote is taken, the sense of the body shall be taken by the voices of the members and the Chair shall announce the vote as it appears. If the Chair is unable to decide or if the announcement made thereupon is doubted by a member, the Chair shall order a division of the number voting in the affirmative and in the negative, without further debate upon the issue.


1. These By-Laws may be amended by:

a. A majority vote of those present and voting upon amendments recommended by the Steering Committee; or

b. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present and voting initiated by any member of the City Committee.

2. All proposed amendments must be submitted in writing to all members, at a meeting prior to any additional meeting at which such amendment is to be acted upon. The proposed amendments should also be included in any meeting announcements prior to the meeting which such amendments are to be acted upon.


1. Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern all meetings.